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Why Choose A Market First Before The Skill?

It allows YOU, the freelancer, to understand what your target market needs before investing time or money in a skill or service.

For example, say you chose “Restaurants” as your market.

Go to Google or YouTube to learn more about how to create restaurant websites that accept online orders.

Now, that may not mean much to you right now…

But if you’re a restaurant owner and you talked to these two freelancers:

Freelancer A: I’ve been doing web design for 3 years.

Freelancer B: I build websites that accept online orders.

Which one would you pick?

Kind of a no-brainer, isn’t it?

Why Choose A Skill That Solves Your Market’s Problem?

Because no one would pay for a service (no matter how cheap) if it doesn’t help solve a problem.

It’s like a babysitter offering services for a measly P20/hr when you don’t even have a baby. 🤷🏻‍♂️

You won’t take it even at a bargain.

So why is it that most freelancers do the exact opposite?

You see, no matter how good you are with the service you provide…

If it doesn’t solve your market’s problem…

You’ll always have a hard time marketing your services and getting clients.

If You Do This Right…

Choosing a market first allows you to easily find clients, while choosing a skill that solves your market’s problems will help you get clients.

Share Your Market, Your Market’s Problems & Your Skill

Now that you know how important choosing a market is and a skill that solves your market’s problem, click HERE to share your market, your market’s problems & your skill in the comments so we can check it.