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LESSON 4.1 - 3 Ways to Get Clients: Network Reachout

Why Do Network Reachout?

You see, most freelancers tend to miss what’s already right in front of them.

Not realizing they have connections they can leverage right away.


No matter who you are…

Whether you’re a corporate employee…

A housewife…

Or just the friendly neighborhood tambay…

You have a network of people whom you can reach out to.

Your network is one example of what we call your ‘unfair advantage.’

We get it.

Ayaw mo mapagkamalan na nang re-recruit ka sa networking.

The good news is, with the strategy you’re about to do today…

You don’t have to.

All you’ll do is ask people if they know someone who could use your help.

That’s it. 

Here’s A Quick List Of People To Ask Referrals From

Friends and Family – They already know, like, and trust you.

Business Owners – This is a gold mine, especially if they also sell to other businesses.

Sales People – Same thing. Some of them sell to businesses as well.

Other service providers just like you – This is self-explanatory.

Former colleagues – Think of that colleague you had who always seemed to know someone.

FB/LinkedIn Connections/Email contacts/Phone contacts – Duh!

Your “virtual” competitors – You see, if you know someone offering the same service you have who are getting a lot of business, chances are, they turn down prospects that are too small or not the right fit. And your job is to be his/her go-to guy when they are swamped with work.

Send That Network Outreach Message With These Sample Templates

You’ve stayed in regular contact with

“[NAME], quick question…

Do you know someone in the [YOUR TARGET MARKET (the answer you have on Lesson 1)]?

You see… I’m taking my business in a new direction and I’m
planning to [YOUR OFFER (the answer you have on Lesson 2)]
So I was wondering if you know someone who could use my help.”

You’ve stayed in semi-regular contact with

“Hey [NAME], what’s up?

I’m launching a new business/taking a new direction in my

[INSERT YOUR OFFER (the answer you have on Lesson 2]

And was wondering if you know someone who may need such help.

[OPTIONAL] Oh, and I’m also offering a 10% commission for every referral made so in case you know someone, let me know.”

You hadn’t stayed in contact with them for a while you could say

”Hey [NAME],

It’s been a while since we connected so I just wanted to reach out and see how things are going.

How’s [ask them about other things to establish some common ground and to let them know you’re not out there to spam people]?

Anyway, I recently went freelance and now [INSERT YOUR
OFFER (the answer you have on Lesson 2)].

I know… It’s a huge jump from what we were doing before.

Would love to catch up.”

IF you’re looking to get experience on the skill you choose and work for free at first

“[NAME], quick question…

Do you know someone in the [YOUR TARGET MARKET (the answer you have on Lesson 1)]?

You see… I’m taking my business in a new direction and I’m
planning to [YOUR OFFER (the answer you have on Lesson 2)].

So I was wondering if you know someone who could use my help.

The reason I’m asking is I’m looking to help them for free in
exchange for a future case study.”

If You Do This Right…

It may not automatically mean a referral but will surely get their attention especially if your market and service are specific enough.

Think of this as planting a seed and making it known to your network what exactly it is you do.

All we’re doing here is making it easy for them to refer YOU.

Share One Network Outreach Message

Now that you know you have an ‘unfair advantage’ in the form of the people in your network, click HERE to share one network outreach message you sent so we can check it.