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LESSON 2: Create Your Offer

Why Create Your Offer?

Tapos na tayo sa warm-up.

You’ve chosen a market na…

You found their problems…

Then you researched a solution for their specific problem.

By now, you already have a pretty good idea what kind of help you’ll be offering your would-be clients.

Remember… clients don’t buy what you do. They buy the results/solution you can give them.

But wait!

There’s more…

(Parang infomercial lang. lol!)

See if you put the same enticing OFFER which was…

“I help [market] professionals land their next job”

Then place it in front of say people who are happy with their current job and are not actively looking for new work…

Do you think anyone would be interested?

Malamang wala.

Which brings us to another point…

The proper way to sell is to put the right offer in front of the right market.

You can’t sell cat food to dog owners and vice versa regardless of how awesome you think your product is.

Pag ang problema eh pagpapapayat…

Bibigyan mo ba ng pampatalino?

Siyempre hinde.

Which is why we’re gonna help you craft your OFFER that matches the market you’ve chosen.

Craft Your Offer With These Templates

If you’ve seen the video, there’s a certain way we craft our offers so as to attract clients.

The template goes like this…

I help [market] [your market’s problem or the solution they want] using [your solution].

Example: I help info product owners increase their launch revenue using email marketing.

Here’s another format you can follow…

I help [market] [your market’s problem or the solution they want] without [thing they hate].

Example: I help e-commerce stores add another 20-30% in their monthly revenue WITHOUT spending a dime on ads.

And here’s another format as well…

I help [market] [your market’s problem or the solution they want].

Example: I help fitness centers attract new members.

We call this your Offer Statement.

Simple lang naman di ba?

Now, do you actually have to follow the template?

Not necessarily.

So long as your offer statement contains WHO you help and WHAT problem you solve…

You’re golden.

For example, I could say…

“I specialize in member acquisition for gyms and fitness centers”

As you can see, it doesn’t follow the format.


It’s clear WHO it serves (fitness centers) and WHAT problem it is solving (member acquisition).

Again, it’s the WHO and the WHAT. 

If You Do This Right…

You can tweak your offer statement however you please.

But bottom line is this…

The more clear your prospects are on what you can do for them…

The more of them you’ll attract. 🙂

Share Your Offer Statement

Now that you know how important it is to get clear on WHO you’re helping and WHAT problem you’re solving, click HERE to share your offer statement so we can check it.