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LESSON 4.3 - 3 Ways to Get Clients: Cheerleading

Why Cheerlead Your Prospects?

It’s simple…

We’re gonna use the power of dopamine.

It’s that organic chemical released into the brain whenever you feel good — the same chemical stimulated when people have sex or use drugs.

In short, you’re gonna make them feel good…

Enough to be addicted to YOU.

Not only that, we’re gonna use one of the most powerful agents of persuasion…


…That deep-rooted psychological urge to do something nice in return.

And most of the time, the reciprocation of a simple gesture is mostly greater than the original good deed which is what we are banking on.

How To Cheerlead Your Prospects

Remember the previous lesson where you sent those connection requests and listed down your Top 100?

This is where all those connections come into play.

Regardless where your prospect is (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, etc.), all you have to do is make your presence felt by getting their attention.

They posted a win inside a group?

Like the post and congratulate them.

One of the people you are following posted a family pic?

Like the pic and tell them they have a lovely family.

They posted a new blog article?

Comment on the blog itself and tell them your takeaways.

Online guru you want to work with sent an email?

Reply back with a quick praise for their outstanding content.

Someone asked a question that falls within your specialty or service?

Leave an EPIC comment.

Your only goal is to be that tiny blip on their radar and do it enough times that they have no choice but to notice you.

If You Do This Right…

Your connection request and friend request rates go up from 20% to around 70-80%.

That’s because there’s already built-in trust when you’ve barely even said a word.

Think about it…

Who would you add as a ‘friend’?

Someone who just randomly added you?

Or the guy who at one time or another liked and commented on your post when no one was engaging? 🙂

Share A Screenshot Where You Were Your Prospect’s Cheerleader
Want More?

So on the first lesson, you chose a market and found out your market’s problems…

On the second lesson, you found out what kind of help you’ll be offering your would-be clients…

And on the third lesson, you learned how important it is to put the right offer in front of the right market…

Finally, on the fourth lesson, you learned 3 ways to get clients.

Now if you’d like to get more strategies to get clients and grow your income…

We’d love to invite you to The Freelance Movement Tribe.

It’s a year-long program that includes COACHING and MENTORSHIP where you can ask any questions or struggles you have…

The most supportive COMMUNITY, SUPPORT GROUP, and ACCOUNTABILITY you’ll ever see where all the magic happens…

Access to our extensive RESOURCE which contains templates, contracts, samples, scripts… basically every member’s hard work which you can model, copy, and use for yourself…

Skills courses and Mastery Sessions where you can learn a myriad of skills from proven experts — ranging from FB ads, email marketing, web design, and much much more — making you an expert as well on your chosen craft.

And many more.

But just a heads up…

The Tribe isn’t free.

But should you be willing to invest in it and take action to reach your goals, we’d love to see you inside.