How Freelancing Changed the Lives of These 6 Ordinary Freelancers

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More people are now turning their attention to ‘online work’

Whether to augment their income, replace their lost jobs, or support their daily needs…

Some are in it out of necessity—because of health, family, and financial concerns…

In fact, 36% of the workforce now freelance full-time, 8% more compared to 2019.[*]

Share of Freelance Workers Chart | The Freelance Movement

Shannon Owings is a part of this workforce. Her life changed because of freelancing.[*]

She shares, 

With the economy in flux and the future very much unknown, being able to find your own jobs will lessen your stress tremendously. When you know you can land a gig that will help pay your rent or some bills, a lot of your stress will end up melting away.

 There isn’t really any waiting with freelancing. You just have to be open to new experiences and ready to jump in with both feet. It may seem like freelancing is a far-off dream, but it really shouldn’t be.” 

So now the real question is…

Why NOT freelancing?

Freelancers, most especially newbies, are devouring one resource after another on how to work online.

And they’re turning to Google, only to find themselves drowning with information.

People are in dire need of a simple organized system…

A step-by-step guide that aims directly at the result…

A quick, surefire way to collect cash (if there is a way)…

…well, good news.

There’s a simple guide that does exactly that.

In this blog, we’ll see how 6 ordinary people found their way to a 6-digit freelancing income following a 30-Day Client-Getting Blueprint (30DCGB).

Some of them went from being college dropouts to broke call center agents to agency owners…

From being a successful Amazon freelancer to an upcoming YouTube influencer with 48k+ subscribers…

From side hustling to get extra travel moolah to taking freelancing seriously to survive…

Let’s see how the lives of these 30DCGB graduates have changed in mere months.

[Life-changing Freelancer Story #1] From college drop out to broke call center agent to 6-figure Shopify builder

Mechelle had a full-time corporate job, yet she still thought of taking a second job.

She needed to make ends meet, even if it meant working all night.

Let’s see how she found herself starting a Shopify agency and as a speaker who gives talks about e-commerce optimization.

Ecommerce Talks | The Freelance Movement

Life before freelancing

Mechelle was a college drop-out and a broke call center agent, as she describes. And while she was single and not a breadwinner, her income still wasn’t enough even for herself.

“I can’t even afford a medium pizza from Shakeys during paydays”, she quips.

“I can still remember I only have 8PHP in my pocket and at that time, our payday is the next day. I can’t forget it, I was so broke. It became my turning point.” 

How she discovered the 30-Day Client-Getting Blueprint

She was in need of another source of income.

She was convinced to apply as a service crew at a fast-food chain… but at the last minute changed her mind.

A decision that led her to a new life.

“I tried to look for some side jobs online for weeks until I found out about the TRIBE, the free FB group, and this guy named JTL.

Testimonials are promising, really! I started to have a vision and dreamt of having results like them as well.

Mechelle found hope, but still, she didn’t have enough money to enroll in the program.

“But then I didn’t have the money yet to join the TRIBE right away. I subscribed to his newsletter instead.

I read them every single day. I was obsessed, lol!”

And, alas…

“2 to 3mos later, I received the email that he’s opening the 30DCGB, and the same day, I paid the enrollment fee.” 

Did you second-guess getting the Blueprint?

For Mechelle, getting the 30-Day Blueprint was a no-brainer.

“It was beginner-friendly as well. I didn’t feel overwhelmed.

I thought it’ll be a great foundation before joining the TRIBE. I was thinking, if I got a client from here, I’d be able to enroll in TFMT already for more resources and strategies.”

Main reason why she got it

“…I always wanted to build multiple businesses.”

At a young age, Mechelle already had concrete plans for her future.

Plans she wouldn’t be able to achieve had she stuck with her Php 14k-25k monthly salary as a call center agent.

Top 3 wins after the program

And Mechelle can now say that her instinct about the 30-Day Blueprint and the TRIBE was right after all…

  1. She got her first client on Day 20. He became a client for 3 months. After a year, they’re working together again.
  2. She figured out what market she should help and what skill she should offer. She stuck with her choice since Day 1 and that led her to…
  3. Earn at least Php 250k per month after a year of doing freelancing. She helped her parents renovate their house in Pangasinan, purchased insurance policies for her family, and she also started hiring people to help her with multiple projects.

Key takeaway: Mechelle highlights having a clear sense of your WHY when you start freelancing. Have a vision first. Ask yourself, ‘Why am I joining this program?’. Because if you have a clear sense of your WHY, you’ll definitely make this work for you.

[Life-changing Freelancer Story #2] From a seasoned but tired freelancer to being financially (and time-tracking) free

Gladys was already a seasoned freelancer who was earning $820 a month, but she has to work 12 hours a day to do that.

Now, she’s secured a 6-fig investment, a 6-figure emergency fund, and her mom’s retirement!

Plus, she has an album full of raving client testimonials.

LinkedIn Prospecting Client Testimonials | The Freelance Movement

Life before freelancing

Gladys was no stranger to freelancing.

She worked as a full-time remote executive assistant for an Amazon/Shopify store owner and a part-time VA for another Amazon seller.

How she discovered the 30-Day Client-Getting Blueprint

Gladys was already inside the TRIBE’s free community when she decided to get the Blueprint.

“I think it was John’s birthday, so he was offering the 30-Day Blueprint at a discount.”

She recalled paying peanuts for such a gem.

Did you second-guess getting the Blueprint?

Gladys’ surprising answer: “Yes”.

For her, time was the #1 culprit.

She was hesitant she wouldn’t be able to keep up with the challenges since she was working 12 hours a day.

Main reason why she joined

She wanted to have a “taste” of what it’s like being inside the TRIBE.

“So, after nun syempre nag-join na rin ako sa TRIBE.

No regrets naman! It’s my 2nd year, actually, kaka-renew ko last March.”

Top 3 wins after the program

For Gladys, it wasn’t just about freelancing wins… but life wins too.

To her, the 30GCGB gave her a ticket to freedom from situations that held her back before.

1. Stress-free

The program was a map and guide in one… something that’ll make any freelancer’s career much easier.

Of course, she reminds one must actually do the work.

After following the 30-Day Blueprint, she resigned from her past jobs and is now able to get her own clients.

“I decided to resign when I felt na kaya ko naman nang kumuha ng clients on my own.”

2. Financial freedom

Gladys now has a 6-figure investment and 6-figure emergency fund.

She feels she is finally financially resilient, since learning how to get clients, working on her own time, and charging her own rates.

3. Debt and worry-free

“I was able to make my mom retire early at 55.

We had to pay Php 200K debt kasi before she can retire. So very thankful about dun – since pandemic, my priority is to keep her safe as much as possible.”

Key takeaway: You can only make freelancing work for you if you’re an action taker. You have to trust the process because it’s what you can control. The results will depend on whether you take the required action.

[Life-changing Freelancer Story #3] From side hustling for extra travel funds to freelancing the TRIBE way to survive

Meet Chelsea who signed up just out of curiosity.

Her friends were going crazy over the 30DCGB. So she decided to jump in out of FOMO…

Later on, she realized she was lucky that she did…

Because freelancing became her only way to move forward when she learned her mother had a serious illness just months after she got pregnant.

Life before freelancing

Chelsea was a Sales & Marketing staff at a Japanese car company. She used to see freelancing as a way to earn extra cash.

It didn’t occur to her that freelancing can be her main source of income,

She initially thought that only photographers and designers engaged in this kind of business.

She admitted not taking her “job on the side” seriously since she had a full-time career in the corporate world.

Until 2019…

When she was taking care of her mom (who had cancer) and her newborn baby.

30 Day Before and After Image 9 | The Freelance Movement

That year, freelancing became her only way to survive. 

How she discovered the 30-Day Client-Getting Blueprint

Her friends were on a high about enrolling in a course written by the “Chief”.

It was the Chief’s birthday so he was offering the Blueprint at a discount.

Chelsea admits she had NO idea what the fuss was all about in their group chat.

But almost everyone, including her trainer, are enrolling.

When she checked and found the course was really affordable, she joined in a snap…

Even if she had no idea who this “Chief” is and what the course is all about.

Thanks to FOMO.

Did you second-guess getting the Blueprint?

Even if Chelsea had no idea about the course or the influential “Chief”, her answer was a quick NO.

Chelsea recalls, Tbh, more than na-FOMO, na-curious talaga ako bakit ba nagkakandarapa mga classmates ko na maka-join dun.

Even trainer ko. So I feel it must be worth checking out.”

Main reason why she joined

Well, aside from just being curious…

It was her friends’ hyper reaction that told her this “course” will be worth every peso she paid for.

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Top 3 wins after the program

Chelsea felt so lucky to sign up for the 30DCGB because…

1. She snagged a client just 2 weeks into the 30-Day program.

“I got my first freelance client in like 2 weeks inside the 30-Day (from Upwork).

My rate was at $15/hour and sobrang saya ko na non!!! Walang kahirap-hirap..”

2. She found her specific niche… which is actually hard to do.

All Chelsea wanted was to become a writer.

The challenges inside the Blueprint got her trimming down to an even more specific writing skill that’s clients happily pay premium fees for: email copywriting.

“Bonus pa na email copywriting din pala si Chief, so keri na yon!”

3. A 180-degree mindset shift that earns $$$

30 Day Before and After Image 1 | The Freelance Movement

Key takeaway: Freelancing is a gift. For people who are forced to stay at home for personal circumstances, freelancing could be the only way to survive.

When you’re left with no choice but to make freelancing work, you have to UNLEARN everything, FOLLOW what’s been proven to give results, and DO the freaking work.

[Life-changing Freelancer Story #4] From unemployed after graduation to a 6-figure freelancer and productivity coach

Celz didn’t look for a job after her graduation.

She had this gut feeling that she was destined for something else.

Little did she know that her side job was the stepping stone to the big breaks that she always sought.

Like being a Productivity Coach to burned-out entrepreneurs.

Productivity Secrets | The Freelance Movement

Life before freelancing

Celz never had a slice of the corporate world. She went straight to freelancing.

30 Day Before and After Image 5 | The Freelance Movement

How she discovered the 30-Day Client-Getting Blueprint

As a freelance writer, she’s a member of a LOT of freelancing Facebook Groups out there.

Out of the 100s of groups and possibly 1000s of threads about freelancing, 1 post caught her eye.

30 Day Before and After Image 3 | The Freelance Movement

Talk about perfect timing!

Or is this her destiny finally seeking her? 

Did you second-guess getting the Blueprint?

She says, “Not at all!”

For her, it felt like she had nothing to lose.

It’s what we call a “no brainer” offer.

An offer too good that you’d be crazy to pass it up.

Hint: A no brainer offer is something you learn when you take the 30-Day Client-Getting Blueprint.

Main reason why she joined

Celz felt that joining the Tribe was a good way to start a freelancing career.

Because it wasn’t completely FREE.

And second, it was made by a fellow Filipino.

30 Day Before and After Image 12 | The Freelance Movement

Top 3 wins after the program

1. Freelancing network

She says,

“I was able to strengthen my freelancing network. May mga Blueprint classmates ako na nakakausap ko pa rin hanggang ngayon!”

2. Avoid being seen as a commodity

When clients can find someone else to do the same task you’re offering, be careful…

Your freelancing business might be seen as a commodity.

To avoid this, Sherman Lee says,

“Compete on quality, not price. If your client really wants to pay less, then scope down the project instead — so, less pay, but less work, too.”[*]

This is exactly what Celz learned from the program… the mindset that will set her apart from other freelancers.

30 Day Before and After Image 20 | The Freelance Movement

And because of this, she…

3. Closed a 6-figure retainer client…

… all without stress.

30 Day Before and After Image 4 | The Freelance Movement

Key takeaway: If you feel like you’re meant to do something big (through freelancing), don’t just wait for it to come.

Show up every single day. It doesn’t matter what happens, just do what you need to do. It may not look like much progress right now, but a year from now, you’d be surprised at the new person that you’ve become.

As Celz said, “Let your gigil drive you to become better at whatever you do.”

Life-changing Freelancer Story #5] From lost in the freelancing maze to finding her way to multiple premium clients

Manneth is already earning online.

However, she feels stuck in a freelancing labyrinth with elusive clients.

She doesn’t know where to look for Amazon sellers, her target customers.

But after taking the Blueprint, she’s been able to close multiple premium deals. 

Life before freelancing

Manneth had a hard time finding clients.

And while she was familiar with freelancing platforms, she wasn’t too thrilled of the small payouts.

30 Day Before and After Image 18 | The Freelance Movement

How she discovered the 30-Day Client-Getting Blueprint

She was already a member of the TRIBE when she started the 30-Day Client-Getting Blueprint which comes free with a TRIBE membership.

Manneth had been working in the Pay Per Click scheme since 2017, but she admits that it took a lot of effort just to earn a decent amount of money.

This is when she started the 30DCGB.

Did you second-guess following the Blueprint?

She was 100% committed to the program.

When asked why,

“Because from the very start I know this will help me to find the client suitable to the Client Persona that I created.”

Main reason why she joined

The 30DCGB was able to solve her main struggle with freelancing: getting clients.

Because this program tackles different ways how to get premium clients, she was game on.

Top 3 wins after the program

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It gave her career a huge head start.

Key takeaway: Be ready to empty your cup and unlearn everything you know about freelancing.

If you’re already in the freelancing industry, you might get stuck sometimes. It’s okay to ask for help. It might be hard to humble yourself to do it, but isn’t it a small price to pay if you finally find the right path towards your freelancing goals?

[Life-changing Freelancer Story #6] From “well taken care of remote employee” with HMO benefits to a freelancer slash vlogger (48k subs) with everything to gain

Ulrike was already working for a well-known international brand that provides regular salary increases, quarterly bonuses, holiday leave, health maintenance insurance, and 30k worth of supplements every quarter for her family.

But she still got her hands on the 30-Day Client-Getting Blueprint.

So what led Ulrike to sign up for the program when she’s already doing well in her career?

Life before freelancing

It was the onset of the pandemic, January 2020.

Ulrike was already working as an Amazon Virtual Assistant and she can say she was ‘super happy and satisfied’ with her work. In fact, she was earning more than her 2 previous jobs combined.

She’s already “living the dream”.

30 Day Before and After Image 10 | The Freelance Movement

So the big question is, WHY sign up?

How she discovered the 30-Day Client-Getting Blueprint

She was mindlessly scrolling through her Facebook feed, until she saw the FB Ads of the 30DCGB.

She got annoyed, irritated, and even offended by the ad because…

30 Day Before and After Image 19 | The Freelance Movement

She said, it was like somebody popped the bubble she was living in.

“Alam mo yung feeling na you were living in a bubble pala tapos nung naputok siya, then you saw the reality?

Na akala ko I had it. Living my dream job haha (naks!) but seriously, doon ko din narealize na mali pala yung definition ng freelancer sakin.

Akala ko basta nagwowork from home ka at nag-ooffer ka ng services online, freelancer kana. Yun pala, remote worker ako.

Kasi na-close ko yung client ko na yun with an employee mindset padin. Hindi business consultant yung tingin ko sa sarili ko.

Did you second-guess getting the Blueprint?

She admits that being competitive is in her nature, so Ulrike says NO!

And also…

30 Day Before and After Image 8 | The Freelance Movement

CAPS LOCK para intense. 

Main reason why she joined

After the feeling of being offended wore off, she realized this…

“Naisip ko if he can say that, then he must know something that I don’t know.

And I’m all about RESULTS.

It’s in my nature to compete, so if I can pull this off in 30 days ako din naman yung magbebenefit. Wala namang kawalan sakin kasi I’ll still have a client pero what if madagdagan pa yung source of income ko?

What if kaya ko naman pala magmanage ng isa pa?

So in a way, after kong ‘ma-offend’ …na-inspire ako sa possibilities so I accepted the challenge!”

Top 3 wins after the program

1. Got 2 project-based clients before the 30 days were over

Simply put, she was mind blown about the fact that all this time she thought she was a freelancer…

When the truth was, she was a remote worker.

30 Day Before and After Image 13 | The Freelance Movement

Here’s how she presented her services to clients:

“So yung inoffer ko was to write their product’s detail page and description on Amazon. Nakakatawa kasi nanghula lang naman ako ng rate nun…

$150 per product kasi kasama na yung keyword research at mismong pagcompose ng title, bullets and description. Aba kumagat sila sa samples na sinubmit ko!

Basta sinunod ko lang naman yung steps per day sa Blueprint then may naghire sakin na 2 startup sellers and may tig-isang products sila na pinagawa sakin.

That’s an easy $300 or Php15k.”

2. Got a client to pay her $500 when she was just testing a new service

Her competitive side was once again kicked in, so again she tested the credibility of the Blueprint… this time offering a service she knew nothing about except with the help of her boyfriend.

30 Day Before and After Image 17 | The Freelance Movement

And the 2 weeks was worth it…


I don’t need to be an expert, I just need to be good at knowing my target market’s needs.

Wala akong experience, portfolio at newbie ako sa software programming pero binayaran yung proposal ko kasi I GAVE VALUE na natumbok yung pain ni client. What a revelation. Ang galing lang!”

The prospect paid $500 just for her proposal.

3. She was able to help her mom who lost her job due to the pandemic

“Sumakto siya sa mga nangyari kasi nung naglockdown nung March, nawalan ng work mama ko.

Imagine if dun palang ako nag start baka di ko na alam kung saan ako pupulutin…

Kaya naniniwala talaga ako na meant to be na nakita ko yung FB ads kasi prinepare ako ng universe for what’s about to happen.”

And she adds a 4th win.

Because she was able to buy a house in the middle of the pandemic.

30 Day Before and After Image 11 | The Freelance Movement

And oh, in case you didn’t know…

Ulrike here is a Youtube Influencer who’s almost at 50k subscribers!

Nikke B Blogs | The Freelance Movement

Key takeaway: As you go along in your freelancing journey, you will encounter opportunities like the 30DCGB. There are no guarantees, but it will give you every competitive advantage to help you navigate in this uncharted territory.

And who knows, taking this small step may be one of the biggest leaps you’ll ever do in your life.

The power to change your life has always been in your hands. 

If these people have literally turned their lives around because of freelancing, then you can too.

If you’re wondering what the 30-Day Client-Getting Blueprint is, it’s a 30 solid days of proven strategies, hacks, and daily tasks to get in front of your prospective freelancing clients.

But more than enrolling in any freelancing course, you also have to remember:

  1. Know your WHY. Ask yourself what do you want to get out of freelancing? If you know in your core what you want for yourself, you will do everything that you can to make freelancing work for you.
  2. Do the WORK. No course can guarantee your results because guess what… the results depend on whether you do the work or not. And sometimes, it might take a while — so trust the process and focus on what you can control.
  3. Freelancing is a GIFT. Yes, it is a gift, but it’s not for everyone. For people who are forced to stay at home for personal circumstances, freelancing could be the only way to survive. When you’re left with no choice but to make freelancing work, you have to make it successful.
  4. SHOW up. If you feel like you’re meant to do something big (through freelancing), don’t just wait for it to come. Show up every single day. It may not look like much progress right now, but a year from now, you’d be surprised at the new person that you’ve become. Let your gigil drive you to become a successful freelancer.
  5. Empty your CUP. Already a freelancer? Empty your cup and unlearn everything you know about freelancing. It might be hard to be humble yourself, but isn’t it a small price to pay to finally get premium pay month after month after month?
  6. Grab OPPORTUNITIES. You may already be super comfortable in your freelancing life right now and you may think you’re okay. But if you have the choice to turn your already ‘good enough’ life into an amazing one, wouldn’t you grab it?

Now you have the opportunity to join a NEW program that will show you: ‍‍‍‍‍‍

  • Over a dozen ways to get clients…
  • Training on charging premium fees…
  • In demand digital marketing skills so you can acquire a highly paid skill that gives clients results.
  • Training on what types of clients to avoid…
  • Training on what to do so you can give clients guaranteed results…
  • PLUS a whole lot more… ‍‍‍‍‍‍

It’s a collection of everything you need to launch a career as a highly-paid freelancer and do it all in under 30 days.

Click the button below to sign up for the waitlist and be the first to hear about it when it opens.

Picture of Aiza Coronado Domingcil

Aiza Coronado Domingcil

Aiza writes onboarding emails that help SaaS teams get their users from sign up to success. She used to be a generalist copywriter before she joined SPAG, the first ever TRIBE that John put together. She’s also a mom of a bouncy little boy who adds a bit of crazy, but tons of love, meaning and inspiration to her freelancing days. You can connect with her on LinkedIn.