9 Surprisingly High-Paying Freelancing Skills Part 2

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Still looking for the “most profitable” skill that will give you a 6-figure monthly payout? 

What if we told you, you might already have it?

When we first released this list of high-paying skills freelancers are paid for, we got comments like:

“High paying pala yung pagiging Virtual Assistant (VA).” 

“Akala ko mababa lang yung pwede kong i-charge sa skill ko.” 

“Pwede pala akong mag charge kagaya ng ibang may mga technical skills.” 

Many people believe the more sophisticated their freelancing skill is, the higher they can charge.

This is a MYTH we busted.

So we’re doing another round-up of highly profitable skills—not just to stress our point—but to make you see that your skill right now can be premium.

In case you’re wondering how much are premium fees, these projects start at $750.

Here are 9 more freelancing skills that can help you bring home a 6- (or even 7-figure) income: 

  • [High-Paying Freelancing Skill #1] Instagram Marketing
  • [High-Paying Freelancing Skill #2] YouTube Ads
  • [High-Paying Freelancing Skill #3] Community Management
  • [High-Paying Freelancing Skill #4] LinkedIn Lead Generation
  • [High-Paying Freelancing Skill #5] Whitepaper Writing
  • [High-Paying Freelancing Skill #6] Personal Branding Strategy and Design
  • [High-Paying Freelancing Skill #7] Online Business Management (OBM)
  • [High-Paying Freelancing Skill #8] Pinterest Marketing
  • [High-Paying Freelancing Skill #9] Chatbot Creation

[High-Paying Freelancing Skill #1] Instagram Marketing 

If influencers get paid in the thousands to post a single photo on their Instagram profile, Tey gets paid 6-figures to pick out hashtags, grow followers, and design the creatives.

Sounds fun and simple, but let’s see exactly how she “does it on the Gram”.

Meet Tey, the Instagram Marketing Specialist

Previous Role: Barista

Regular Monthly Income: $4,000

What does Tey exactly do?

Tey helps digital creators, entrepreneurs, and luxurious brands grow their profile from 0 to 10k on Instagram.

Her scope of work includes “increasing followers and building an active community around the brand that will like and comment on their posts.”

How did she discover Instagram Marketing? 

She loves Instagram, “I’ve been obsessed at it ever since I was a teenager.” 

And she saw an opportunity.

“I barely know people who charge premium for Instagram Marketing alone but I know in my heart that this is something I am good at.

When I was starting out, I only tested my offer to see if there is a demand for it… turns out there was demand. I found out that there were only a few HUMAN Instagram service providers.” 

How much was her biggest project? 

Her biggest project to date is a referral from her first premium client on IG.

Usually, clients haggle, but for Tey, it was the other way around.

“At first, we offered $4,000 for a quarter-long project for ads. 

But they wanted to do it for a 6-month period for $7000

We still advised them to work with us for a quarter-long period and assess from there but they wanted to push with the 6-month $7000 deal.”

Did she close it right away?


As they say, the money is in the follow-up.

Comparing Point A to Point Now 

Before diving into freelancing, Tey worked for 9 hours straight, studying coffee concepts as a barista.

“Some shifts even last until 1AM. 

As a barista, making good drinks is not the only task. Part of the tasks was cleaning the restroom and the icky grease trap at the sink which I hated… and my paycheck was only in the 10,000s range. 

I never had a vacation when I was an employee.”

Now, she only works 3 hours a day for her 6 clients.

But before Tey had 3-hr work days, she encountered certain challenges.

As a single mom, she found it overwhelming to take care of her baby, manage 4 clients and deliver top-notch client work all at the same time.

Her parents offered to give her a monthly allowance of “Php20,000” so she can stop doing whatever she was doing.

But it got Tey thinking, “I can always choose the comfortable option but it will never make me feel fulfilled. 

So I chose the freelance life, and instead of stressing myself out with multiple clients, I built an Instagram Marketing agency who made my work lighter and helped me expand my client base.”

Tey, who’s also one of the Tribelet Leaders inside the TRIBE, now lives an “Instagram-perfect” life.

She gets to work from home and see her daughter grow up every step of the way.

Her advice to aspiring freelancers 

“For finding a skill that’s going to sell, stick on one thing you are good at. 

Don’t be blinded by the shiny skills if you see other people succeeding at that. 

Focus on where you can shine, keep working on that, keep marketing your skill and showing that you are the BEST at it. 

And I guarantee that you can make money from that skill.”

The takeaway: Your freelancing skill can be that one thing you love doing. And you’re gonna succeed because 1) you’re already good at it and 2) you love doing it.

Knowing this, you’ll make it work. Because deep down inside of you, you know you’ve got what it takes.

[High-Paying Freelancing Skill #2] YouTube Advertising 

See those ads on YouTube?

Admit it, you’re just as entertained watching those short clips as you are watching the main video.

Those ads—that’s how this freelancer whom we’ll call “YouTube Mafia” steps into the game and nails it. He’s also one of the first students of the TRIBE.

Meet the YouTube Mafia 

Previous Role: Management Trainee (OFW in Singapore) 

Regular Monthly Income: P200,000

What does he exactly do? 

The short version?

He helps his clients sell on YouTube.

The long version?

He leads people on YouTube to his clients’ websites using YouTube Ads so they buy.

How did he discover YouTube Ads? 

It just happened it was the service his prospect needed at that time.

Yes, it’s possible to get freelancing projects even without the skills, experience or portfolio. 

How much was his biggest project? 

His biggest projects are deals with international Top YouTube Ads Agencies.

These are famous people he looked up to.

Dati lang, napapanood ko lang sila sa mga interviews nila. 

Meron nakikita ko tumatanggap ng 2CC award. Yung isang agency, dun ako natuto talaga ng ads kasi kumuha ako ng course sa kanila, ngayon sila na nag o-outsource sakin kasi nakikita nila mga wins na pinopost ko before

Tapos ni-rerefer na nila ako sa kapwa nila top people sa YouTube ads.” 

The 2CC Award, also known as ‘Two Comma Club Award’, is awarded to businesses that have generated USD 1 million dollars in revenue through the use of Clickfunnels, a marketing funnels builder.

Now, he gets to work directly with them.

And impress them.

Comparing Point A to Point Now

He used to be an OFW.

And we know the sacrifices OFWs make.

“Yung tipong every morning, gigising ng maaga, papasok sa trabaho na 12 hours na office work, malayo sa pamilya, every night, I cry myself to sleep. 

Yung tipong, I condition my mind na wala akong asawa’t anak. Kasi once na maisip kong meron malulungkot lang ako… tapos wala naman ako magagawa.” 

Not to mention their tight budgets.

“Di ako sasama kakain sa labas, manonood ng sine hanggat di sinasabi ng pinsan ko na lilibre nila ko…” 

How is he now?

“Ngayon naman, napakasaya. 

I buy and eat stuff without looking at the price tags.” 

His advice to aspiring freelancers 

Find your blue ocean. 

He can’t stress it enough. 

“Pag sa skills pa lang solo mo na, eto pano pa kaya ang market, you can choose the most lucrative kumbaga. 

Ako kasi sinuwerte kasi the opportunity presents itself. Pero advice nalang is proactively look for your blue ocean”.

Think of skills you don’t usually hear about…

TikTok Ads, Reddit Ads, LinkedIn Ads—start with those uncommon skills.

This is golden advice especially for beginners.

As per Jay Clouse, creator of Freelancing School,

“Whether you’re set to become a freelancer full time or on the side, your business will be built around the unique skills you have to offer.” [*]          

The takeaway: To have an instant freelancing edge, be strategic. Find your blue ocean. Find a skill that’s uncommon. If you have this unique skill, you can become the “lone wolf” who dominates the skill.

[High-Paying Freelancing Skill #3] Community Management

In 2 years, Nica has tried them all—email copywriting, web designing, ghost writing, and even being a virtual assistant.

But it felt like she couldn’t find her “one skill”… until she did.

Meet Nica, the Community Manager 

Previous Role: Worked at a BPO company 

Highest Charge for a Single Project: $2,500 

What does Nica exactly do? 

Nica currently offers Online Business Management (or OBM for short). She builds systems for the agencies she serves.

In short, Nica organizes the entire business so her clients can stay sane.

Aside from OBM services, she also manages Facebook Groups that have over 34,000 members.

She’s your friendly community manager who keeps the group in order and engaged.

One of the Facebook Groups she manages is the TRIBE’s.

How did she discover her skill?

It’s funny because Nica tried a lot of other freelancing skills—name it, she’s done it.

After a while, she started to think she just isn’t skilled enough for this.

She was trying to find her luck in freelancing after recovering from a business that failed. This made it even harder.

Then one day, she realized one thing:

She may not have found a skill that fit her right away upon becoming a member of the TRIBE, but she knew she was good at managing things.

And BOOM, that became her freelancing skill.

How much was her biggest project? 

$2,500—and the client instantly agreed.

See what can happen when you finally realize what you’re good at…

And when you know where to find prospects?

Nica is part of Facebook Groups of like-minded individuals.

“[I found my client] on Facebook. 

May group ako na sinalihan for creative people (ito yung dati kong market) tapos nag reach out, asked the SMIQ, it lead to a call and then closed deal.”

In case you’re wondering what SMIQ stands for, it’s the “Single Most Important Question” that you ask prospective clients so you can start diagnosing their problems.

Comparing Point A to Point Now           

A BPO job that she disliked. A failed business. And a few years of hopping from one skill to the next.

All these were blessings in disguise.

Now, she’s happy serving 4 clients from the Philippines and the United Kingdom.

“Ngayon I have time for me and my family. Tapos i like what I’m doing. Nakakatuwa yun mga kasama ko sa work/freelancing.” 

Her advice to aspiring freelancers 

It’s simple.

The takeaway: The skill you’re looking for might be something you already possess. Or better yet, it’s something you’re already so darn good at. You just have yet to realize it could be your freelancing skill. 

[High-Paying Freelancing Skill #4] LinkedIn Lead Generation

LinkedIn is an online platform where you can connect with professionals from all over the world.

People go there to build their network, but Yuri hangs out there to connect with her market—entrepreneurs who are willing to pay her more than a thousand dollars to manage their LI accounts!

Meet Yuri, the LinkedIn Lead Generation Specialist 

Previous Role: Call Center Agent 

Regular Monthly Income: P400,000 

What does Yuri exactly do? 

Yuri helps businesses get customers on LinkedIn. She connects with prospects on her clients’ behalf. What she does is called LinkedIn Lead Generation.

It’s a skill she’s mastered over the years and has made her a 7-figure earner.

How did she discover LinkedIn Lead Generation? 

Yuri, who’s one of the Tribelet Leaders inside the TRIBE, recalls,

“I started as a lead gen VA, until I discovered LinkedIn. 

It was my client who taught me how to use it. It was very flexible so I was able to accommodate multiple clients. 

I only decided to just stick with it and loved it until I learned how to charge premium, the TRIBE way.” 

How much was her biggest project? 

It was a $5,000 deal that started on Upwork.

It was for a Crypto/FinTech machine manufacturer in China looking for buyers in the US, UK, and EU.

After she sent her cover letter, she added him on LinkedIn.

Emailed him.

And added him on WhatsApp.

“I tried to connect with him through all communication channels I can think of. 

To my surprise he sent me a message on LinkedIn so we continued the convo from there!”

From there, it took Yuri a little bit of convincing to close the deal.

Comparing Point A to Point Now 

Heavy traffic… Lack of sleep… ‘Robot style’ work cycle… Toxic working environment… Office politics… Ridiculous metrics…

These made her leave the call center industry.

She recalls,

“When I was working in the corporate, I can only afford to send 5k in remittance monthly. 

When I decided to resign and work from home, we only have a bungalow house and the life back then was very poor and it’s sad,”

Now, life is better.

“After becoming an effin millionaire at 24, I was able to get our house renovated with a 2-story commercial building and put up a business for my parents and my boyfriend (saaauce!) 

I couldn’t be thankful enough that I discovered freelancing!”

Her advice to aspiring freelancers 

If you want to fast track your way to becoming a millionaire, follow Yuri’s advice:

“Find a skill that is related to Leads and Sales! That’s where the money is. 

It’s easier to charge a client if your offer is to generate them more moneeeey!”

The takeaway: Your skill could be something that you pick up along the way. But no matter what your skill is, you should know how it helps your client’s business. Does your skill make them more money? Save on expenses? Gives them back their time? And as Yuri advised, find a skill that generates leads and sales.

[High-Paying Freelancing Skill #5] Content Writing

Up next is our Maestra who has dedicated her life nurturing her journalism pupils.

But as they say, learning goes beyond the four walls of the classroom—even for this elementary school teacher!

Meet Mamu Liberty, the Content and Whitepaper Writer 

Previous Role: Elementary School Teacher 

Regular Monthly Income: Php150,000 

What does Mamu Liberty exactly do? 

Mamu helps clients generate more qualified leads and increase their sales through strategizing content, writing blogs, and creating whitepapers.

How did she discover content writing? 

Mamu was looking to augment the family income when she discovered how to be a freelance writer.

“I used to coach journalism pupils to division, regional, and national schools press conferences. I attended numerous seminars and workshops on journalism. 

That’s why when I first joined the freelancing bandwagon in 2011, writing was the skill I chose to offer. 

Now, I’m sticking with content writing because it’s the skill I use to help my clients generate more qualified leads and increase sales.” 

How much was her biggest project? 

Mamu charged $2,000 for content strategy and blog posts for a drug testing cup e-commerce store.

The client was referred to her by a fellow freelancer and instantly agreed to her rate.

Comparing Point A to Point Now 

It was never too late for Mamu to level up in her area of expertise.

Now that she has chosen freelancing, she’s enjoying more time for her family, hobbies, and her grandkids!

On top of that, the Youthful Granny of the Philippines…

Champions freelancing for the “Young Once”, with a Facebook group consisting more than 1,000 members…

Keeps the “bagets” of the TRIBE engaged and updated with the latest freelancing skills…

And is about to launch her own content writing course.

Her advice to aspiring freelancers 

For Mamu, it boils down to 2 things: 

  1. Believe that you can. Nothing is impossible if you set your heart and mind to it.
  2. Join a tribe that not only teaches you skills. It should be a group of dedicated, committed people who unselfishly and willingly share their skills and knowledge with everyone.

Be a part of a tribe that pushes you up, cheers you on, ready to congratulate you for every win, and eager to lend a hand when you’re in need.

Take this advice and enjoy your post-prime days working less while earning more

Just like Mamu Liberty who’s handling 3 clients, one in Florida, one in Australia, and one in the Philippines.

The takeaway: Freelancing is a viable and lucrative option even after your prime years. Especially if you can translate what you’ve been doing as a non-freelancing professional towards your new freelancing career.

[High-Paying Freelancing Skill #6] Personal Branding Strategy and Design

Meet Jozelle, the Personal Branding Expert 

Previous Role: Graphic Designer 

Rate range for a single project: $2,000 to $20,000

What does Jozelle exactly do? 

Jozelle used to be a graphic designer.

See those logos, blog images, and social media graphics on your Facebook feed? Those were made by a graphic designer.

She makes the coolest Zoom Room backgrounds like this.

Jozelle didn’t abandon her craft.

In fact, she amplified that by becoming a personal branding designer and strategist after becoming a member of the TRIBE.

Now, she helps clients gain clarity on what they need to focus on in their business, how they want to be perceived by their audience, and what steps to take to move from point A to point Z and get the results they want.

For clients to put the whole branding of their company into her hands, she showed outstanding value right from the first impression.

How did she discover branding design and strategy? 

Jozelle has tried almost all kinds of online work but she gravitated towards design and strategy the most.

She says, “I feel that this is really where I’ve found my calling. You know, Ikigai, a reason for being. 

Maybe that comes from my fascination with stories and meeting new people. 

Nothing excites me more than getting to know someone’s unique story and then finding the best avenues to showcase this through branding. 

It’s just that there’s something so fulfilling about empowering others.” 

How much was her biggest project? 

Most of her highest-paid projects were brand building or brand revamp.

She takes home $20,000 for those kinds of projects.

Now if you’re reading this and thinking, “Why would clients pay so much for design work?”

It’s this.

“Most clients or referrals come from my inbound marketing efforts because I post daily on social media. 

I show up on their feeds frequently and make waves for my market to remember me. That’s what I teach my clients so I make sure I implement what I preach.”

The clients themselves see the result of her branding even before they start working with her.

And the way Jozelle positions her pricing plays a big role on why she can close deals like this.

When there are objections to her pricing, she tries to dig deeper to understand where they’re coming from.

“I usually put aside the investment and we talk about results and goals. 

That makes it easier for them to see the bigger picture and value the results they can get rather than the money they will invest.”

Comparing Point A to Point Now 

Jozelle starts, 

“As a PWD, it just made sense to become a freelancer. 

I could work remotely from the comforts of home but still constantly build a career that challenges me and inspires me to grow.” 

But more than practicality, it was really these 2 things she treasures most…

One, a sense of community…

And two, empowering others, especially PWD’s like her.

Her advice to aspiring freelancers 

Her advice to newbies can be summed up into 3 points:

  1. Start with what you already know and go deep, before you go wide.
  2. Explore different things too. Try one thing at a time. Don’t be scared to try different things if you’re not yet set on one skill. Test and learn. That’s how you’ll KNOW what’s meant for you—fail fast, learn faster.
  3. Fall in love with giving value and getting results for your clients.

The takeaway: Keep it simple and start with the skill you already have. Cultivate it and work on getting very good at it. Once you’ve mastered that skill, you can then explore others or learn new ones that will complement your mastered skill.

[High-Paying Freelancing Skill #7] Online Business Management (OBM)

Meet Daise, the Online Business Manager 

Name: Daise 

Previous Role: Physics Teacher/ Phone Banker/ VA 

OBM Fee : Rate starts at $3500 

What does Daise exactly do? 

In a nutshell, Daise helps coaches and course creators turn chaos to order and clarity with systems and streamlined operations.

She guides clients on where to focus their attention in their businesses, while bouncing off strategies with them.

How did she discover OBM?

Daise’s love for systems began one Christmas evening when her daughter was severely ill.

That night was the lowest point in her life.

She told herself this will never happen to her again!

So she started hustling…

Finding ways to efficiently make money…

And creating systems for her business.

Daise confesses, “I am super Type A and when things don’t go as planned, it stresses me.” 

How much was her biggest project? 

She won a project worth $25,000 with a concierge service owner who does lifestyle luxury retreats, events, and coaching on the side.

The client was a referral from an existing client.

Comparing Point A to Point Now 

Her love for her kids led her to the freelancing world. Some people pick family while others pick career.

Daise chose both.

Here she compares then and now. 

“Oh a lot has changed.” 

She now has built influence in the Filipino freelancing landscape, teaching others how to use systems to advance their careers.

In fact, she has been named as one of the “Top 10 Filipino Remote Workers You Should Follow This 2020” by Working Remote PH.

But you know what’s the best part of all this for her? 

It’s this. 

Time spent where it matters most. And it’s family and homeschooling for me. 

Plus the freedom to actually rest when I want and not worry about money because it’s just a matter of me getting myself back on track and in ‘my flow state’ again and the income will come.

So I actually can take months off and money is still coming in. Like right now, I’m not as active, I have more than I need padin.” 

On top of that, Daise has been running Happy Homeschooling Moms, a Facebook community where moms can talk about homeschooling tips, mental health, parenting, and more.

Her advice to aspiring freelancers 

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can – the best way you can.” 

This quote has been her guide ever since.

She also adds,

“Don’t be afraid to fail, because you will fail. 

It’s just part of the path to success. 

Shift your perspective in things – instead on focusing on the negative, think on one good aspect of the event and re-frame your mind to focus on the good – you’ll feel much better this way. 

So if you FAIL – pick up the lesson and view it as your First Attempt In Learning (FAIL) instead. :)”

The takeaway: Identify what you’re naturally good at and bank on that. Find a skill that’s close to your natural strength to make the learning curve easier. Don’t overthink. Take action. Clarity will come as you do the work. And from there, pivot as needed.

[High-Paying Freelancing Skill #8] Pinterest Marketing 

Pinterest is an image-sharing platform known for stunning ideas, DIY inspirations, and easy-to-do crafts. On this platform, one Pinay freelancer—whose name sounds as fruity as the cutesy crafts are in there—found success.

And because she’s busy pinning images for clients, she wasn’t fully aware that she had already hit her 6-figure income mark… again!

Meet Orange, the Pinterest Queen of the Philippines 

Previous Role: Call center agent 

Regular Monthly Income: Php100,000 

What does Orange exactly do? 

Orange helps eCommerce businesses sell their products on Pinterest.

Take a peek at how dainty Pinterest looks like.

On top of that, she directs the overall marketing growth strategy of her clients and makes sure their brand remains consistent.

How did she discover Pinterest Marketing? 

The start of her freelancing journey was challenging,

“I started my freelancing career inside a computer shop right after I resigned in my call center job. 

That time, I just got a scholarship in Benilde and my son will start going to school. I am a single parent, so I looked for ways on how I can provide for my mom and my son without sacrificing the opportunity for me to go back to school.”

And it wasn’t a walk in the park…

Just like everyone else, she tried a couple of skills first, 

“It took me a while to really determine which skill I should stick to since I tried almost every niche and skill that is interesting for me.” 

And she found a mentor. 

Finally, she found her soulmate skill in Pinterest.

How much was her biggest project? 

Orange earned Php150,000 running social media organic marketing campaigns for her client’s e-commerce business. 

“I found him on a Facebook group. It happens that he is looking for a Facebook Ads manager. Then I look at his Facebook page and did a social media audit for him for free. 

I told him that there are some holes in the pipeline because I signed up for a newsletter but didn’t receive something and gave him ideas that he can implement in running his social media. He asked me for a call.”

Indeed, free advice can go a long way.

Comparing Point A to Point Now 

Months ago, Orange’s life might’ve passed for a Filipino “teleserye” as she describes it.

After a few more months of being lost, she finally swiped her credit card to join the TRIBE.

For Orange, having an intimate community of freelancers helped her get back up, financially and emotionally.

“The best thing right now is the flexibility of the schedule while being paid handsomely

I get to help people in their businesses, teach people what I know and impart my experience to them and I am present in the lives of my children. 

No more missed school activities, no more missed Christmas and New Year’s Eve.”

Her advice to aspiring freelancers

“Never be afraid of failing. 

It is your obligation to yourself to fail fast so you can learn faster. Be in a community that will not sugar coat anything to you. 

You are the average of the 5 people you are always with so you have to get friends that you are looking to be like one day.”

The takeaway: In finding a skill, you first need to know yourself, including your strengths and weaknesses. Don’t be afraid to test your skills. If you fail, forgive yourself, get all possible learnings, and move on.

[High-Paying Freelancing Skill #9] Chatbot Creation

Have you ever messaged a Facebook Page and noticed how blazingly fast they reply?

Chances are, you’re really talking to a chatbot—not a real human. No kidding.

This is what our next featured freelancer does for a living: setting up those robots.

Meet Niel, the Messenger Marketing Strategist 

Name: Niel 

Previous Role: Drug Representative 

Regular Monthly Income:  Enough to Pay a Team of 5 and Live Nicely 

What does Niel exactly do? 

He, or his team rather, sets up the “chatbots” behind Facebook messenger of business pages.

Here’s an example.

This is actually, Bottbott, Niel’s bot with a goofy personality. 😂

How did he discover chatbot creation? 

“It was all about my wanting to become an Entrepreneur

I’ve tried tons of things online. Niche Marketing, building websites, podcasting, live streaming but nothing really materialized from them.” 

And then he started to hear about freelancing.

He got his first paying client when he joined a private podcast community on Facebook. It was there he stumbled onto this latest trend in marketing—chatbots.

“I immediately jumped in and started to build a name for myself by creating content. Endless content about chatbots and eventually getting clients. 

I combined my experience in copywriting and email marketing with chatbot marketing also known now as Messenger Marketing and started seeing results after results. 

And this is honestly what made me stick to it.” 

From there, his freelancing career took off. 

How much was his biggest project so far? 

It was a $6,000 deal where the client just needed administrative tasks.

But as Niel dug deeper, he discovered that he ultimately wanted something more.

As to why this ballooned to a premium deal?

Niel said,

“We not only did the system but we went over and above, jumping on meetings with her and giving suggestions and diagnosing what else she needed.

It was literally showing the client that she was buying money at a discount.”

Comparing Point A to Point Now

His life before freelancing…

“I would drive an average of 200 kilometers per day. I worked as a MedRep aka Drug Rep before. I’d leave the house at 5:30AM and be home by 10 in the evening. 

I had a small Samsung Galaxy phone issued by the office and everytime I would hear it ring, it would just make me feel sick. 

Especially if I heard it during the weekends.” 

Even grocery shopping was stressful for him.

“I also HATED the feeling of having to go to the supermarket, especially the checkout counter. 

I would have this acid-like taste in my mouth when my wife and I were at the checkout counter because I knew deep inside that I might not have enough money.”

Neil’s challenging past took a toll on him.

His story about recovery from losing his job and daughter has been featured in Esquire.

Life is different now and in a good way.

“Now, I get to go with my wife to do the groceries in our own car that’s running on diesel that we paid for, RFID, and a phone that’s NOT issued by the company on a Wednesday without the worry that somebody might see me outside the area of my work.

Freedom is what I would call it.

Niel is the first Filipino ManyChat ambassador and one of the coaches inside the TRIBE.

He’s interviewed big personalities like Jo Koy (yes, the comedian).

And has been invited as a speaker for a messenger marketing conference in the United States.

His advice to aspiring freelancers 

There’s quite a lot but each and every one is important.

  1. Position yourself as the expert in the market that you chose with the skills that you know of or know somebody can do for you or that you will learn.
  2. Do NOT rely solely on the money that you make from your freelancing business. Because if you do, especially when you are starting out, you will suck your funds dry in less than 48 hours that the client has sent you the payment. Which will lead you to taking on any kind of offers and competing based on price and the consequence is you losing that little confidence and momentum you have built.
  3. Just pick a skill, pick a market, learn how a business generates money and start speaking to your market.

The takeaway: Just pick a skill. Don’t overthink this step. Because the real journey starts once you’ve found your skill—when you need to start positioning yourself as the authority in your chosen market. And the way to do it? Start treating freelancing as a business because it is. And it can give you the freedom you’ve been longing for.

Find THE Skill That Will Take Home a 6- or 7-Figure Paycheck

As you’ve seen, almost everybody on this list didn’t know what skill to focus on when they first started.

But what do they all have in common?

Their skills help their clients make more money.

So if you think about it, here’s the truth.

The most profitable skill we can have as a freelancer is to become someone who can help clients identify the problem and provide solutions.

Let’s once again take a look at how you can discover your skill.

  1. Your freelancing skill could be that one thing that you already love doing. Who knew that posting pictures on Instagram can get you loads of money (and clients) even if you’re not an influencer? Just figure out how it can help prospective clients.
  2. Find your blue ocean to dominate that skill. You can be strategic and find an area where there’s less competition. Find a skill that’s uncommon so you become the only, if not one of the few, experts.
  3. The freelancing skill you’ve been looking for might be something that you already have. Heck, it might be even something you’re so darn good at. It may not seem like a freelancing skill now, but look closer.
  4. Your premium skill could be something you pick up along the way. So keep going. Keep serving clients to discover what that skill is. But if you’re eyeing to become a millionaire fast, stick to a skill that directly impacts sales.
  5. Freelancing is a viable and lucrative option even after your prime years. What you’ve been doing in your career could be key to finding your freelancing skill.
  6. Start with the skill you already have. Cultivate it and work on being very good at it. Once you’ve mastered that skill, you can always upgrade your skills.
  7. Identify what you’re naturally good at—it could be a freelancing skill. Make it easy for yourself and choose a skill that’s close to your natural strengths. It makes the learning curve easier.
  8. Before finding a skill, know yourself first. By identifying your strengths and weaknesses, you can test out the skills that will most likely lead you to succeed. But if you fail, forgive yourself, get all possible learnings, and move on to the next skill.
  9. If you’re stuck finding a skill, take a deep breath, and just pick one. Action is the only way to get unstuck.

Still unsure of which skill to pick?

Then how about this.

What if you could exactly see the step-by-step process freelancing experts execute to produce results for their clients…

Would you take us up on that offer?

Will this give you the confidence to approach clients?

Will this help you start your freelancing journey?

If the answer is YES, click on the button below and gain access to an ENTIRE course library of freelancing skills about Social Media, Copywriting, Lead Generation & Client Acquisition, Content Marketing, Personal Development, Ecommerce, Paid Ads, and more

Let vetted freelancing experts help you get real results, land high-paying clients, and close bigger & premium deals.

Picture of Aiza Coronado Domingcil

Aiza Coronado Domingcil

Aiza writes onboarding emails that help SaaS teams get their users from sign up to success. She used to be a generalist copywriter before she joined SPAG, the first ever TRIBE that John put together. She’s also a mom of a bouncy little boy who adds a bit of crazy, but tons of love, meaning and inspiration to her freelancing days. You can connect with her on LinkedIn.